Aerospace Engineering 2004-11-01

Aerospace Engineering 2004-11-01
    • Wiring UAVs
      The development of electronic architectures for UAVs and UCAVs marks a major step-change in the evolution of military aircraft as significant as the emergence of jet propulsion more than 60 years ago.
    • Distributed simulation
      A new modeling technique is applied to a HALE UAV power system using detailed subsystem simulations of the turbine engine, generators, and loads.
    • Tradition, transition, and transformation
      SAE 100 Future look: As the sun sets on the first 100 years of SAE, we refllect on a proud and rich tradition of contribution to the transportation industry.
    • The battle for information flow
      SAE 100 Future look: Epic Data recognizes that the recent development of highly secure, futuristic real-time information flows provide a tremendous competitive advantage to field commanders making life or death decisions.