Civilian American and European Surface Anthropometry Resource Project--CAESAR®

Univariate Measurements

A proposed set of univariate measurements to be provided as deliverables are listed below. The landmarks will be used to calculate 36 of the univariate measurements. A second group of univariate measurements will be collected using traditional anthropometers, tape measures and calipers. These 28 variables include skinfolds, reach, and weight measurements that could not be obtained from the scanner.

Univariate Measurements

# Traditional Measurement ISO Code NASA Code Posture Landmarks
1 Biceps Skinfold (R) Biceps
2 Bizygomatic Breadth 165 Stand Temporal bones
3 Buttock-Knee Length (R) 4.4.7 194 SitS Buttock / knee
4 Chest Circum. at Scye 231 Stand / Sit Scye
5 Chest Circumference 4.4.9 230 Stand / Sit Nipples
6 Crotch Length Natural Waist 252Stand Ant. midpoint waist/buttock
7 Face Length 586 Stand Menton/ Sellion
8 Foot Circumference (R) 97 Stand Metatarsal I and V
9 Foot Length (R) 4.3.7 362 Stand Max long axis foot
10 Hand Circumference (R) 416 SitS Metacarpales
11 Hand Length (R) 4.3.1 420 SitS Styloid process / middle finger
12 Head Breadth 4.3.10 427 Stand Max. Distance
13 Head Circumference 4.3.12 430 Stand Brow ridges
14 Head Length 4.3.9 441 Stand Glabella
15 Max. Hip Circumference 178/468 Stand Max. Circumference
16 Knee Height, Sitting (R) 4.2.14 529 SitS Musculature above knee
17 Neck Circumference 4.4.8 639 Stand Adam's Apple
18 Scye Circ. Over Acromion (R) 2.2.20 735 Stand Scye / acromion
19 Sitting Height 4.2.1 758 SitS Top of head (correction needed)
20 Sleeve lnseam Length (R) 764 Stand Axilla/Radial styloid process
21 Subscapular Skinfold (R) 833 Apex Scapulae
22 Suprailiac Skinfold (R) 844 Mid axilla line / Iliac crest
23 Thigh Circumference (R)4.4.12 852 Stand Upper Thigh
24 Thumbtip Reach (R)867 Index finger and thumb
25 Triceps Skinfold (R) 888 Triceps
26 Vertical Trunk Circumference 916 Stand Crotch, buttock, shoulder
27 Waist Circumference Preferred 931 Stand Belt
28 Weight 4.1.1 957

# Scan Extracted ISO Code NASA Code Posture Landmarks
1 Acromion Height (R) 4.1.4 23 Stand Acromion
2 Acromion Height (L) 4.1.4 Stand Acromion
3 Acromion-Radiale Length (R) 39 Stand Acromion / Radiale
4 Acromion-Radiale Length (L) Stand Acromion / Radiale
5 Ankle Height (R) 64 Stand Min. circum. ankle
6 Ankle Height (L) Stand Min. circum. ankle
7 Axilla Height (R) 90 Stand Scye
8 Axilla Height (L) Stand Scye
9 Biacromial Breadth 4.2.8 103 Stand Acromion
10 Axilla Height (R) 90 Stand Scye
11 Axilla Height (L) Stand Scye
12 Bispinous Breadth 140 Stand ASIS
13 Bustpoint-Bustpoint Stand
14 Cervicale Height 219 Stand Cervicale
15 Chest Height Stand
16 Crotch Height 4.1.7 249 Stand Infer. pubic bone
17 Elbow Height (R) 4.1.5 309 Stand Radiale
18 Elbow Height (L) Stand Radiale
19 Foot Breadth (R) 4.3.8 356 Stand Metatarsal I and V
20 Foot Breadth (L) Stand Metatarsal I and V
21 Interscye Distance 506 Stand Posterior axillary folds
22 Lateral Malleolus Height (R) 543 Stand Lateral projecting point on ankle
23 Lateral Malleolus Height (L) Stand Lateral projecting point on ankle
24 Radiale-Stylion Length (R) 698 Stand Radiale / stylion
25 Radiale-Stylion Length (L) Stand Radiale / stylion
26 Supramenton-Sellion Length 4.3.11 586 Stand Sellion / Menton
27 Sleeve Outseam Length (R) Stand Acromion/Ulnar styloid process
28 Sleeve Outseam Length (L) Stand Acromion/Ulnar styloid process
29 Stature4.1.2 805 Stand Top of Head
30 Suprasternale Height (R) 841 Stand Suprasternale
31 Suprasternale Height (L) Stand Suprasternale
32 Trochanterion Height (R) 894 Stand Trochanter
33 Trochanterion Height (L)Stand Trochanter
34 Waist Back 921 Stand Waist / Cervicale
35 Waist Front Stand Waist / Suprasternale
36 Waist Height Preferred 949 Stand Belt

Bold are NATO standard numbers