There are many issues that affect the implementation of technology integration within upcoming vehicle platforms. The entire supply chain is grappling with connecting the dots between infrastructure, connectivity technology and economics in order to develop a vehicle that meets customer needs and acceptance. On this panel, leading subject matter experts will share their insight on the critical trends effecting vehicle design, development and deployment. The discussion topics will include market analysis, regulation, consumer acceptance, global economics and technology integrations.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is more than just the technology behind self-driving cars. The technology powers voice recognition, digital assistants, precision marketing and is adding value to more than just products. This panel will explore the diversity of AI/ML applications and attempt to broaden the audiences view on where AI and ML can be used beyond products. In addition, the power of learning machines, like many technologies, can provide tremendous benefit, but also create significant risk.
The automotive cybersecurity threat is well known by now, but what has the industry as a whole been doing in response? What actions have OEMs, suppliers, and other industry partners taken? Are new cyber platforms featuring intrusion and behavioral anomaly detection going to advance and deploy quickly enough to handle the growing number of threats and vulnerabilities in a connected world? What collaboration is happening between key stakeholders to analyze new threats, minimize the risks, and avoid worst case scenarios?
OEMs are making massive investments to develop new vehicle EE architectures and the associated systems and components within the architecture. The speed at which these systems are changing to meet new customer demands and corporate needs, including things such as connectivity, harvesting and transport of data, command and control, end-to-end mobility solutions, ML/AI training and operation is increasing and cutting in half or more the traditional life expectancy of an architecture or part/system pedigree.
The drive to leverage technology cost curves and increasing computational needs only pushes the investment higher. Some new technologies are “blocked” from scaled introduction due to limited volumes and investment returns and risks. For much of this investment and effort it remains “behind the scenes” in regard to what customers see and “pay for” and in many ways is “common” and non-differentiating competitively.
Do we have an opportunity to collaborate in these “non-differentiating” spaces as OEMs? By what mechanism can we identify those spaces? How can new standards and reference designs, for example, be developed and leveraged to create industry scale common part and system solutions? This session and discussion, led by OEMs opens that dialog, explores potential areas of common interest, and identifies the next steps to move forward in collaboration.