Defense Maintenance and Logistics Exhibition

Next Generation Materiel Readiness Forged through Data Advantage, Technology, and Innovation

December 12-15, 2022 | Orlando, FL

Technology + Innovation + Data = Advantage.

Co-located 2022 Defense Maintenance and Logistics Exhibition.

Discover and collaborate with companies and organizations involved in military and commercial maintenance technology, information, and management processes that drive next generation materiel readiness through data advantage, technology, and innovation.

Showcase solutions that forge readiness, enhance your presence, and build brand recognition among the 2022 DoD Maintenance Symposium audience by sponsoring, exhibiting, and/or advertising at the co-located Defense Maintenance and Logistics Exhibition.

View our Opportunities Brochure

Promotional Social Media Toolkit for DoD Maintenance Symposium Exhibitor/Sponsor 

As an exhibitor and/or sponsor of the upcoming DoD Maintenance Symposium, promote your involvement and excitement to your personal and organizations social media networks using the guidelines in this toolkit!

Access Toolkit

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Learn more about taking part in the 2022 DoD Maintenance Symposium at the Orange County Convention Center | Orlando, Florida | December 12-15, 2022.

To discuss solutions that fit your budget and needs, please contact the SAE Sales Team today:

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

DMLE Supporter