On-Board Diagnostics Symposium–Americas

On-Board Diagnostics Symposium (OBD)-Americas 2020 Transitioning to Virtual Event 

Due to concerns around the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, SAE International has made the difficult decision to transition the On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) Symposium-Americas to a virtual event and cancel the in-person event, originally scheduled for September 22-24, 2020, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Additional information for the virtual event will be made available in the coming weeks. 

Before making this decision, we extensively monitored and evaluated health directives from governmental and international health authorities, government- and corporate-imposed travel restrictions, and distancing and gathering directives and recommendations. We remain firmly committed to prioritizing the health and safety of our speakers, customers, partners and staff who are attending our events, and apologize for any inconvenience this cancellation has caused.


Please see our Cancellation Frequently Asked Questions for additional information.

The On-Board Diagnostics Symposium-Americas unites automotive and commercial vehicle experts from around the world to discuss vital information regarding new regulations, standards, and legislative requirements.  This event addresses emissions regulations and resulting OBD requirements, as well as associated industry reaction and subsequent technologies. By attending, you will gain better insight into the latest CARB, EPA and European and Chinese ground vehicle emissions targets.

Key Numbers 

  • 30+ technical presentations
  • 380+ attendees
  • 3 days of networking
At our 2019 event we saw 35 OEMs represented, and attendees from 16 countries.

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Conference Supporter

Official Publication Sponsor