SAE Recognizes over 50 years of Committee Service in Support of Safe and Efficient Aviation
Posted: July 24, 2023
Aircraft propulsion system management sounds like a very technical topic. And indeed, it is. But for the last 50 years a group of 26 dedicated industry professionals have been meeting and working together to discuss this topic and help improve the safety and efficiency of both commercial and military air propulsion systems worldwide.
SAE International’s E-32 Aerospace Propulsion Systems Health Management Committee recently gathered for its 100th meeting to continue a strong record of work supporting safe airplane engine systems. Their cumulative efforts have helped in the development and use of improved systems that advance commercial and military aircraft operation, minimize in-flight failures, and reduce the costs of engine maintenance.
Experts on the SAE E-32 committee gather and analyze data in order to publish technical standards that guide the industry in the development and use of systems that monitor, diagnose, and predict propulsion system failures, and recommend maintenance based on their findings or anticipated system usage.
SAE International CEO David Schutt, spoke at the 100th meeting of SAE E-32: “For 50 years the E-32 committee has developed standards, made recommendations, and produced technical papers that promote the sustainable and cost-effective operation of air vehicles.”
Over the years the committee, which is currently chaired by Liang Tang of General Electric, has published 30 technical standards documents to help guide the industry in the use of tools that range from gas turbine management to predictive analytics and machine learning. It also currently has 13 new documents in development. This body of technical work and guidance has helped industry professionals use these powerful tools to determine propulsion system current awareness, assess the health of systems, accurately isolate faults, and predict future equipment malfunction issues. The effective use of this technology has significantly added to aircraft powerplant safety and helped build on an impressive record of overall safe flight operation.
“With the speed of advancements in technologies across mobility sectors, it is more critical than ever to bring industry together and build upon each other’s knowledge to create the next generation of consensus-based industry standards,” said Todd Zarfos, SAE International 2023 Board President.
This is especially important in modern aircraft systems, where an ever-increasing emphasis on safety coupled with advances in technology has added to system complexity.
As part of the SAE Aerospace Council, the E-32 committee includes members from airframe and engine manufacturers, airline operators, sensor and component suppliers, the military, government, and academia.
SAE International acknowledges the work and expertise of the many professionals who organize and work on its technical committees, like SAE E-32. Their dedicated work has improved aircraft performance, maintenance, and, above all, safety.
If you’d like to know more about the efforts of the SAE E-32 committee, or if you are interested in adding your expertise to its work, please contact SAE Aerospace Committee Manager Kevin Bires at