Topics: Advanced Technologies
Business Modelling:
In this course, you will receive a general introduction to business modelling in a more general sense, focusing on the energy sector.
Global clean energy policies:
This course will delve into key international agreements such as the Paris Agreement, as well as other influential global policies that aim to address the pressing challenges of climate change. By examining these policies, we will explore how they contribute to the transition towards a circular economy and the reduction of global carbon emissions.
Cost assessment of battery-based storage solutions:
In this course, you will learn how to evaluate the economic feasibility of an energy storage system by determining the costs of the project. You will be introduced to different cost concepts, such as the cost of acquisition and installation of the equipment included in the storage solution, costs associated with operation and maintenance, and costs that are incurred at the end of a battery’s life. You will also learn a method you can use to evaluate all these costs, which results in a set of concise metrics that can be applied to decision making.
Business Models and Business examples:
In this course, you will be inspired by real business examples from exciting companies that are breaking new ground in their sectors.
Investment scenarios and business models for battery energy storage systems:
In this course we will start by exploring the challenges, main drivers, and opportunities related to the changing energy system in general. In particular, we will elaborate on the role end customers will play in the new energy system. Then, we will focus specifically on the energy storage market, looking into two perspectives on investment scenarios and business models: at home and at grid level.
Anyone interested in understanding potential business models attached to battery storage and its applications as well as how to prepare for developing a relevant business model.
Email, or call 1-877-606-7323 (U.S. and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside US and Canada).
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