Tamagawa Seiki has launched a series of automotive and industrial-grade inertial measurement units (IMUs) for affordable high-performance applications. Model AU7595 features high accuracy and GPS for measuring position, direction, and attitude of vehicles or any mobile application. The AU7595 is equipped with three-axis, high-precision, piezoelectric MEMS gyros and stable accelerometer sensors for high resolution, precision, and low-noise requirements. The multi GNSS receiver is compatible with QZSS and GLONASS and includes digital interfaces (CAN or Serial IF). Software is provided and features a data logger and a traveling locus display. The Model TAG247 version of AU7595 is housed in a protective case and comes with cables. Model AU7554 is a compact—35-mm (1.4-in) square—and low-price unit with an optional GPS receiver. The AU7554 outputs triaxial angular velocity, acceleration, and angles supported by stable thermal behavior and repeatability. I/O interfaces include CAN, RS232C, and USB. The Model TAG250 version of AU7554 has various options including a protective case, GPS receiver substrate, wireless communication substrate (Bluetooth), and battery pack. Both IMUs are non-ITAR/EAR and are used in commercial products (not for military). AdvanTech International, Inc. is the exclusive marketing partner of Tamagawa Seiki in the U.S. and Canada.
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