Eight New Reports Identify and Illuminate Key Issues in Emerging Mobility Technologies
WARRENDALE, Pa. (October 1, 2020) – SAE International announced today the expansion of its SAE EDGE™ Research Reports to include eight new titles that identify and illuminate key issues in emerging yet unsettled technologies related to the mobility industry. SAE EDGE Research Reports provide state-of-the-art and state-of-industry examinations of the most significant topics facing the mobility industry today including, connected and automated vehicle technologies, electrification, and advanced manufacturing.
Each EDGE Research Report is designed to identify critical issues and stimulate further discussion and research toward necessary frameworks, practices, and protocols for advancing the mobility industry. Report contributors are experts from industry, academia and government who come together to explore and define the most critical advancements, challenges and future direction.
“SAE’s EDGE Research Reports represent some of the most unique thinking of our contributors as we deliver on our mission to advance mobility knowledge and solutions for the benefit of humanity,” said Michael Thompson, director of aerospace and ground vehicle product group and electronic publications at SAE International. “While the topics and technologies discussed in each report are largely still evolving, the content within provides the most up-to-date thinking for readers to leverage in their day-to-day research and operations.”
The latest reports from SAE International, include:
Unsettled Topics on the Use of IVHM in the Active Control Loop reviews how the growth in global economies has led to a world that has become much more mobile in the last few decades. This report seeks to explore the unsettled issues surrounding embedding IVHM information into the active control loops of modern aircraft systems and in future generations of aircraft designs. (Product Code EPR2020011; ISSN: 2640-3536)
Unsettled Topics Concerning Airworthiness Cyber-Security Regulation suggests a deeper analysis of these sets of regulatory documents and their effects on the aviation sector as they gradually become the law of the land, starting with their expected effects on the aviation ecosystem, the issues they pose to supply chains, and the challenges they present to the airworthiness certification process itself. (Product Code EPR2020013; ISSN: 2640-3536)
Unsettled Technology Domains for Pathways to Automotive Decarbonization addresses the technical opinions of multiple experts in this field, covering battery, hydrogen and solar power sources, societal and health impacts of "active travel" (i.e., walking or cycling), electrification of public transport and heavy vehicles, electric road systems and environmental considerations. (Product Code EPR2020014; ISSN: 2640-3536)
Unsettled Issues Facing Automated Vehicles and Insurance explores how the deployment of automated vehicles will affect the insurance industry and the principles of liability that underly the structure of insurance in the U.S. As we trade human drivers for suites of sensors and computers, who (or what) is responsible when there is a crash? This paper explores a number of potential challenges and unsettled topics facing the insurance industry and offers potential solutions brought forth from a team of seven legal experts. (Product Code EPR2020015; ISSN: 2640-3536)
Unsettled Issues Regarding Policy Aspects of Automated Driving Systems explores the policy aspects related to ADS technology, explains the key stakeholders, identifies unsettled issues, and proposes a number of steps to move forward and improve the current situation. The report provides a valuable resource to those involved in the definition of ADS policy from both public and private perspectives. (Product Code EPR2020016; ISSN: 2640-3536)
Unsettled Topics on Nondestructive Testing of Additively Manufactured Parts in the Mobility Industry discusses how additive manufacturing (AM) technology has transitioned from concepts and prototypes to part-for-part substitution and the creation of unique AM-specific part geometries. This report seeks to explore the challenges, technologies and opportunities for nondestructive testing technology and inspection methods to be sufficiently capable and reliable. These methods will ensure that discontinuities will be detected to prevent the components from being accepted for use. (Product Code EPR2020017; ISSN: 2640-3536)
Unsettled Technology Domains in Industrial Smart Assembly Tools Supporting Industry 4.0 examines the industry 4.0 smart assembly tools and four domains—influence on Information and Communication Technology (ICT), assembly cost reduction, process control, and the product and process quality–and their undefined nature. This report identifies technical issues, goals clarifying the scope of the industry-wide need for alignment, and the requiring need to prioritize standardization. (Product Code EPR2020018; ISSN: 2640-3536)
Unsettled Technology Domains for Rapid and Automated Verification of Industry 4.0 Machine Tools discusses the challenges and advantages of several key RAV solutions, from cost-effective artifact probing to inertial measurement to non-contact triple-probing. This report reviews the inaccuracies in machine tools that are often not detected and how low-value parts are often inspected less frequently, allowing many non-conforming parts to be produced before the issue is detected. (Product Code EPR2020019; ISSN: 2640-3536)
For more information on SAE EDGE Research Reports, please visit: https://www.sae.org/publications/edge-research-reports.
About SAE International
SAE International is a global association committed to advancing mobility knowledge and solutions for the benefit of humanity. By engaging nearly 200,000 engineers, technical experts and volunteers, we connect and educate mobility professionals to enable safe, clean, and accessible mobility solutions. We act on two priorities: encouraging a lifetime of learning for mobility engineering professionals and setting the standards for industry engineering. We strive for a better world through the work of our philanthropic SAE Foundation, including award-winning programs like A World In Motion® and the Collegiate Design Series™. More at www.sae.org.
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