SAE Joint Memberships

SAE proactively seeks to develop joint membership agreements with likeminded peer organizations so that we may provide even more value to our members. While the terms of each agreement are unique, all joint memberships are intended to create a mutually beneficial relationship that exposes the members of each partnering organization to additional benefits and growth opportunities.

Participation Eligibility: Individuals must be a member of SAE or the partnering organization in order to attain joint membership.

Joint Membership Inquiries

If your organization is interested in exploring a possible joint membership agreement with SAE, contact us!

Joint Memberships Available to SAE Members



The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is a not-for-profit membership organization founded to develop and disseminate the interdisciplinary principles and practices that enable the realization of successful systems. INCOSE is designed to connect SE professionals with education, networking, and career-advancement opportunities in the interest of developing the global community of systems engineers and systems approaches to problems. We are also focused on producing state-of-the-art work products that support and enhance this discipline’s visibility in the world.


INCOSE Member Benefits


Joint Membership Offer: Current SAE International Professional and Student Members are able to join INCOSE at 15% off regular dues.

If you are a SAE Member and want to learn more about becoming a joint member of INCOSE,

Click Here