High-precision vehicle position, relative orientation, velocity, and direction information is essential for the safe performance of autonomous driving systems. Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication systems enable vehicles to share real-time information with their drivers, other vehicles, pedestrians, and the surrounding roadway infrastructure.
These systems employ high-precision positioning systems (HPPS) technology to ensure accurate location of a vehicle in reference to its surroundings in order to address safety, mobility or environmental needs. Technology and cost improvements in HPPS systems have made them more available for automotive applications.
SAE’s V2X Core Technical Committee recently released J2945/7: High-Precision Positioning for V2X Systems, an SAE Technical Information Report update. This new document identifies enhancements applicable to V2X standards, and addresses potential usage cases that may require or benefit from high levels of position strategy, including confidence that the data is accurate and trustworthy.
The SAE V2X Core Technical Committee works on topics shared between other V2X communication technical committees, and promotes solutions for various applications and technologies. It has published over 26 technical documents in this technology area and currently has 7 documents in development.
For more information on the ongoing work of this SAE committee, or to find out about volunteering your expertise to aid in its efforts, please contact SAE committee manager Jennifer Collins at: Jennifer.collins@sae.org.
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