Foundational SAE Counterfeit Parts Standard is Updated

SAE has released a revised standards document to help independent distributors of electronic components comply with efforts to combat counterfeit parts entering the supply chain.

Counterfeit electronic parts entering the defense and industrial supply chain may pose both a physical danger to people and a financial danger to the economy. The Semiconductor Industry Association has estimated that upwards of 15% of spare and replacement parts purchased by the Pentagon are counterfeit. SAE International has worked closely with industry to develop effective standards to combat this threat.

This past April, SAE Aerospace Standards released SAE AS6081A™ Standard: Counterfeit Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical (EEE) Parts: Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition – Independent Distribution. This revised standard establishes practices to identify reliable sources for procurement of EEE parts, assess and mitigate the risk of distributing these counterfeit EEE parts, and report incidents of suspect or actual counterfeit EEE parts.

The standard specifies supplier management strategies for procurement, inspection, and test; and details response strategies when counterfeit parts are uncovered. AS6081A is a revision to AS6081, and is intended to help independent distributors or brokers of EEE parts comply with counterfeit part prevention requirements. It is a complement to SAE AS5553D™ Standard: Counterfeit Electrical, Electronic, And Electromechanical (EEE) Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, And Disposition, which is focused on manufacturers.

Adherence to AS6081A by independent electronic component distributors is required by the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).

AS6081A was produced by the SAE G-19 Counterfeit Electronic Parts Committee. If you would like to know more about this committee, or you have an interest in contributing your expertise to its work, contact SAE Committee Manager, Amanda Myers.

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