Innovations for lightweighting
Tough fuel-economy bogies for 2021 and beyond are driving new approaches to materials use, as seen in these case studies.
Axellent progress
AAM's new Quantum drive-axle technology is a leap forward in lightweight, efficient driveline systems aimed at 2020 and beyond.
Low-temperature combustion ready for prime time?
At SAE's High-Efficiency IC Engines Symposium, Delphi said its new, third-generation GDCI is promising, but even LTC proponents admit that challenges remain.
More automation for ECU testing
The latest fault-insertion tests enable engineers to run more test cases in less time.
Preview: SAE readies new Connect2Car conference for fusion of auto, tech sectors
Editorial: The first 100 days versus the first 100 years
SAE Standards News
SAE collaborates on Clean Cars project
Supplier Eye
Toward a "by wire" vehicle
Tech leaders talk AI, security, next-gen HMI
Overcoming the 'CO2 penalty' of autonomous vehicles
New autonomous-driving module uses raw sensor data to enhance speed