Aerospace & Defense Technology

February 2020

    • Rad-Hard Microelectronics for Space Applications
    • Outsourcing Plasma Treatments for Surface Modification
    • Adding Context to Full-Motion Video for Improved Surveillance and Situational Awareness
    • Implementing an Aerospace Factory of the Future
    • 90° Hybrid Coupled Power Amplifier - Pros and Cons
    • A New Network Design for the "Internet from Space"
    • Future Advances in Electronic Materials and Processes - Flexible Hybrid Electronics
      Despite progress being made, there are still significant obstacles to the manufacture and use of flexi-ble hybrid electronics in military applications.
    • Heterogeneous Integration Technology
      Integrating different types of devices and materials could increase their functional density, improving the performance of electro-optic systems for sensor applications.
    • The Impact of Cyber Cameras on the Intelligence Community
      The ability to covertly access and manipulate cyber cameras could provide valuable strategic data for the US intelligence community.
    • Calculating Electrical Requirements for Direct Current Electric Actuators
      When designing electro-mechanically actuated systems, there are several electrical design requirements that must be determined.
    • Weyl Semimetals (WSM) for Electronics Applications
      New synthesized materials open the way to govern the density of helicity, axial charge, and its flow, axial current.
    • Energy Harvesting for Soft-Matter Machines and Electronics
      A new class of soft multifunctional materials could be used to convert mechanical deformation from vibrations and stretching into electrical energy.
    • Evaluation of the Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on Common Aircraft Electrical Materials
      Study aims to find a suitable decontaminant/disinfectant/sanitizer that can be used successfully in complex transportation vehicles with no negative impact on sensitive electronic equipment.