Browse Publications Technical Papers 03-11-01-0001

Investigation into the Potentials of a Dedicated Multi-Point Injection System for a Production NG Single-Point Heavy-Duty Engine 03-11-01-0001

This also appears in SAE International Journal of Engines-V127-3EJ

CNG is at present retaining a growing interest as a factual alternative to traditional fuels for SI engines, thanks to its high potentials in reducing the engine-out emissions. Increasing thrust into the exploitation of NG in the transport field is in fact produced by the even more stringent emission regulations that are being introduced into the worldwide scenario. Moreover, the transport sector accounts for the 27% of the overall energy consumptions and up to the 13% in terms of global emissions. The present paper aims at deeply investigating into the potentials of a heavy-duty engine running on CNG and equipped with two different injection systems, an advanced single point (SP) one and a prototype multi-point (MP) one. The considered 7.8-liter engine was designed and produced to implement a SP strategy and hence modified to run with a dedicated MP system. A thorough comparison of the engine equipped with the two injection systems has been carried out at steady state as well as at transient operations. Better performances in terms of cycle-to-cycle variability were proved for the MP system despite poorer mixture homogeneity. A 0D-1D model has also been built and validated on the experimental data set to be hence exploited for investigating into different strategies both for the SP and for the MP layout. An extensive simulation has been carried out on the effects of the injection phasing on the SP system performance referring to the engine power output and to the air-to-fuel ratio homogeneity amongst the cylinders. Finally, as far as the MP injection system is concerned, the innovative fire-skipping or cylinder deactivation has been considered and deployed by means of the numerical model, assessing for an overall decrease in the fuel consumption of 12% at part load operations.


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