Calculation of Nighttime Road Image under Automotive Headlamp Lights 2001-01-0300
This study proposes a new calculation method for generating real nighttime lamp-lit images. In order to improve the color appearance in the prediction of a nighttime lamp-lighted scene, the lamp-lit image is synthesized based on spectral distribution using the estimated local spectral distribution of the headlamps and the surface reflectance of every object. The principal component analysis method is introduced to estimate the surface color of an object, and the local spectral distribution of the headlamps is calculated based on the illuminance data and spectral distribution of the illuminating headlamps. HID and halogen lamps are utilized to create beam patterns and captured road scenes are used as background images to simulate actual headlamp-lit images on a monitor. As a result, the reproduced images presented a color appearance that was very close to a real nighttime road image illuminated by single and multiple headlamps
Citation: Song, H., Sakong, K., Lee, C., and Ha, Y., "Calculation of Nighttime Road Image under Automotive Headlamp Lights," SAE Technical Paper 2001-01-0300, 2001, Download Citation
Hyun-Ju Song, Kuk Sakong, Cheol-Hee Lee, Yeong-Ho Ha
Samlip Industrial Co., Ltd., Kyungwoon University, Kyungpook National University
Pages: 8
SAE 2001 World Congress
Also in:
Lighting Technology Developments for Automobiles-SP-1595, SAE 2001 Transactions Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems-V110-6
Related Topics:
Imaging and visualization
Roads and highways
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