Fuel Anti-Knock Quality- Part II. Vehicle Studies - How Relevant is Motor Octane Number (MON) in Modern Engines? 2001-01-3585
The effect of fuel anti-knock quality on power and acceleration performance is studied in twenty-three European and Japanese cars equipped with knock sensors. The anti-knock quality of a fuel in a given car and operating condition is defined by its octane index OI = RON - KS where K is a constant for that condition and S is the sensitivity, (RON-MON), and RON and MON are the Research and Motor Octane numbers respectively. The higher the octane index, the better the antiknock quality of the fuel and the better the power and acceleration performance. K is often assumed to be 0.5 so that OI =(RON+MON)/2. However, it is found that in most cases considered here, K is negative so that for a given RON, a fuel with higher sensitivity (lower MON) has better anti-knock quality and better performance. Even when K is not negative it has a small (< 0.2) positive value so that MON contributes much less to fuel anti-knock quality than generally assumed.
Citation: Kalghatgi, G., "Fuel Anti-Knock Quality- Part II. Vehicle Studies - How Relevant is Motor Octane Number (MON) in Modern Engines?," SAE Technical Paper 2001-01-3585, 2001, https://doi.org/10.4271/2001-01-3585. Download Citation
G. T. Kalghatgi
Pages: 13
SAE 2002 World Congress & Exhibition
SAE International Fall Fuels & Lubricants Meeting & Exhibition
Also in:
SI Combustions and Flow Diagnostics-SP-1699, SI and Diesel Engine Performance and Fuel Effects-SP-1645, SAE 2001 Transactions Journal of Fuels and Lubricants-V110-4
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