The Variable Compression (SVC) and the Combustion Control (SCC) - Two Ways to Improve Fuel Economy and Still Comply with World-Wide Emission Requirements 2002-01-0996
Advances in Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) deal with a multitude of combustion properties, such as combustion efficiency, emissions and quality. However, not only the combustion needs refinement in a modern engine, also parasitic losses have to be minimized. All of them are addressed in the two recently released Saab concepts, Saab Variable Compression (SVC) [1] and Saab Combustion Control (SCC) [2]. The strongest motivator for their specific designs is the desire to improve fuel economy. Both systems are briefly presented in this paper and the respective concepts are thoroughly discussed with respect to the above mentioned combustion characteristics and parasitic losses.
Citation: Drangel, H., Olofsson, E., and Reinmann, R., "The Variable Compression (SVC) and the Combustion Control (SCC) - Two Ways to Improve Fuel Economy and Still Comply with World-Wide Emission Requirements," SAE Technical Paper 2002-01-0996, 2002, Download Citation
Hans Drangel, Eric Olofsson, Raymond Reinmann
Saab Automobile Powertrain AB
Pages: 18
SAE 2002 World Congress & Exhibition
Also in:
SAE 2002 Transactions Journal of Engines-V111-3
Related Topics:
Fuel economy
Combustion and combustion processes
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