Browse Publications Technical Papers 2003-01-0368

Exhaust-Gas Dynamics Model for Identification Purposes 2003-01-0368

The burned gas remaining in the cylinder after the exhaust stroke of an SI engine, i.e. the residual gas fraction, has a significant influence on both the torque production and the composition of the exhaust gas.
This work investigates the behavior of the residual gas fraction over the entire operating range of the engine. A combined discrete-continuous linear model is identified, which describes the dynamic effects of the gas composition from when the gases enter the cylinder up to the measurement with a specific sensor. In this investigation, that sensor is a fast NO measurement device. The system is modelled by three elements in series: the in-cylinder mixing, the transport delay, and the exhaust mixing. The resulting model contains three elements in series connection: the in cylinder mixing, the transport delay, and the exhaust gas mixing. The model is able to calculate the fuel mass entering the cylinder during a fuel injection transient. The results show a good correlation between measurements and simulations. Additionally, this model provides an explanation for the often observed second order in the wall-wetting dynamics.


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