Browse Publications Technical Papers 2003-01-1071

Modeling and Experiments on Ignition of Fuel Sprays Considering the Interaction Between Fuel-Air Mixing and Chemical Reactions 2003-01-1071

This study aimed to elucidate the ignition processes in transient fuel-sprays over a wide range of ambient conditions corresponding to PCCI combustion, as well as diesel combustion. Ignition of n-heptane sprays was experimentally investigated by using a constant-volume vessel. The well-known temperature dependencies of ignition delays were observed at a high ambient pressure. On the other hand, a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) accompanying a two-stage pressure rise was detected for lower ambient pressures. High-speed shadowgraph images indicated that the temperature rise begins in the highly homogenous mixture along the combustion chamber wall. Enhancement of fuel-air mixing with elevated injection pressure and a reduced nozzle orifice delays the appearance of hot flame in the NTC condition. To better understand these phenomena, ignition processes were predicted using an ignition model including a stochastic turbulent mixing model and a reduced chemical reaction scheme. Calculated ignition delays and pressure curves were compared with experimental data. Based on the comparison, explanations are made on the measured effects of injection conditions with an emphasis on the relation between fuel-air mixing and chemical reactions.


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