Browse Publications Technical Papers 2003-01-1633

Event-Based Sampling for Handwheel Vibration Analysis 2003-01-1633

Over the past 20 years automobile quality, and consumer perceptions thereof, have been an increasing part of the vehicle engineering process. In automotive systems, torque-induced handwheel vibration is a significant source of consumer annoyance.
When dealing with torque recordings containing a single or very small number of sinusoids, a time-referenced signal can easily be manipulated to yield instantaneous torque estimates. As the number of sinusoids (orders) grows, however, this becomes more difficult.
In this paper, the authors demonstrate a simple technique to effectively estimate instantaneous torque level of high-order torque components when there are many higher-order sinusoids. The point is made that basic signal processing techniques applicable to time-referenced signals are also applicable to those referenced to angle or other variables.


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