Browse Publications Technical Papers 2003-01-1826

Computational and Experimental Study on the Influence of Formaldehyde on HCCI Combustion Fueled with Dimethyl Ether 2003-01-1826

Computational analysis on the mechanism and control method for DME fueled HCCI type combustion was carried out on the basis of the chemical kinetics. The calculation results were verified experimentally using a single cylinder test engine. Analysis of the results showed that DME oxidation is governed by production/consumption behavior of OH, because DME oxidation is initiated by dehydrogenation with OH radicals. It was also shown that the overall oxidation reaction could be controlled by adding substances which react competitively with OH in the dehydrogenation reactions of DME. Of the substances we tested, formaldehyde was most effective. It was confirmed by engine testing that by adding a small amount of formaldehyde to the DME/air mixture, the heat evolved in the low temperature reactions was reduced and the reaction appearance timing was retarded.


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