NASA's In-Flight Education and Training Aids for Pilots and Operators 2003-01-2142
To support NASA's goal to improve aviation safety, the Aircraft Icing Project of the Aviation Safety Program has developed a number of education and training aids for pilots and operators on the hazards of atmospheric icing. A review of aircraft incident and accident investigations has revealed that flight crews have not always understood the effects of ice contamination on their aircraft. To increase this awareness, NASA has partnered with regulatory agencies and pilot trade organizations to assure relevant and practical materials that are focused toward the intended pilot audience. A number of new instructional design approaches and media delivery methods have been introduced to increase the effectiveness of the training materials by enhancing the learning experience, expanding user interactivity and participation, and, hopefully, increasing learner retention rates.
Citation: Van Zante, J., Bond, T., and Burke, K., "NASA's In-Flight Education and Training Aids for Pilots and Operators," SAE Technical Paper 2003-01-2142, 2003, Download Citation
Judith Foss Van Zante, Thomas H. Bond, Kevin M. Burke
QSS Group, Inc., NASA Glenn Research Center, InDyne, Inc.