Browse Publications Technical Papers 2003-01-2516

An Integrated Approach to Thermal Management of International Space Station Logistics Flights: Improving the Efficiency 2003-01-2516

The efficiency of re-useable aerospace systems requires a focus on the total operations process rather than just orbital performance. For the Multi-Purpose Logistics Module, this activity included special attention to terrestrial conditions both pre-launch and post-landing and how they inter-relate to the mission profile. Several of the efficiencies implemented by the MPLM Mission Engineering Team were NASA firsts and all served to improve the overall operations. This paper provides the integrated engineering/operations solutions to several key issues. Topics range from statistical analysis of over 30 years of atmospheric data at the launch and landing site to a new approach for operations with the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. In each situation, the goal was to “tune” the thermal management of the overall flight system for minimizing requirement risk while optimizing power and energy performance.


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