Browse Publications Technical Papers 2003-01-2651

Octafluoropropane Concentration Dynamics On Board the International Space Station 2003-01-2651

Since activating the International Space Station's (ISS) Service Module in November 2000, archival air quality samples have shown highly variable concentrations of octafluoropropane in the cabin. This variability has been directly linked to leakage from air conditioning systems on board the Service Module, Zvezda. While octafluoropropane is not highly toxic, it presents a significant challenge to the trace contaminant control systems. A discussion of octafluoropropane concentration dynamics is presented and the ability of on board trace contaminant control systems to effectively remove octafluoropropane from the cabin atmosphere is assessed. Consideration is given to operational and logistics issues that may arise from octafluoropropane and other halocarbon challenges to the contamination control systems as well as the potential for effecting cabin air quality.


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