Inverse Temperature Studies to Reduce Canopy Growth of Sweetpotato 2003-01-2679
Sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] cv TU-82-155 was grown in controlled environments to determine if inverse day/night temperatures could effectively control the height of the canopy without adversely affecting storage root yield. Plants were exposed to temperatures of 18/24, 24/18, 20/26, 26/20, 22/28, and 28/22°C (Experiment 1); 22/28 and the control 28/22°C (Experiment 2); and in Experiment 3, 28/22°C for the first 6-8 weeks of growth and then 22/28°C thereafter, and 22/28°C continuously. Storage root yield was either reduced by about 50% among plants grown under cool days and warm nights (Experiment 1), was similar to the control plants if plant population was increased (64 vs. 48 m-2, Experiment 2), or if cool days/warm night regimes were initiated 6-8 weeks after planting (Experiment 3). There was a substantial reduction in canopy growth (height) for inverted temperature treatments. For every 2 °C decrease there was a 3.1 cm decrease in canopy height. Canopy height was effectively controlled regardless of whether cool days/warm night regimes were initiated at planting or 6-8 weeks after planting. The reduction in storage root yields can be arrested if plant population is increased from 48 to 64 plants m-2 or if temperature treatments are initiated 6-8 weeks after planting.
Citation: Mortley, D., Bonsi, C., Hill, W., and Morris, C., "Inverse Temperature Studies to Reduce Canopy Growth of Sweetpotato," SAE Technical Paper 2003-01-2679, 2003, Download Citation
D. G. Mortley, C. K. Bonsi, W. A. Hill, C. E. Morris
Center for Food and Environmental Systems for Human Exploration of Space and G.W. Carver Agricultural Experiment Station, Tuskegee University
Pages: 9
International Conference On Environmental Systems
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