Comparison of Winding Cells with One and Two Rovings in Robotized Filament Winding Technology 2003-01-2911
The present work shows the comparison between a robotized filament winding cell equipped with a feed and deposition system able to wind asymmetric or complex parts by means of two rovings and the traditional cell able to wind only one roving. The comparison has taken into account the quality of the manufactured workpieces. The use of two rovings allows about to halve the winding time and, therefore, to reduce significantly the manufacturing costs. To compare the two cells many experiments have been carried out by changing the values of the process parameters through design of experiment (D.O.E.) techniques. The quality of the workpieces manufacture by the two cells has been evaluated and compared.
Citation: Polini, W. and Sorrentino, L., "Comparison of Winding Cells with One and Two Rovings in Robotized Filament Winding Technology," SAE Technical Paper 2003-01-2911, 2003, Download Citation
W. Polini, L. Sorrentino
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Cassino