Adhering to Difficult Substrates with Silicone Adhesives 2003-01-2919
The purpose of this paper was to find one silicone adhesive material that would bond to a number of substrates, including substrates typically known to be difficult to adhere to. Although we limited the adhesive, we did not want to limit the process to achieve the adhesion. Many applications use adhesives and at the very least an engineer could read this and find an answer about adhesive. Given the breadth of substrates, this data could also point an engineer in the best direction of what to use, although his specific substrate wasn't tested.
Citation: Riegler, B., Thomaier, R., Sarria, H., and Rhodes, K., "Adhering to Difficult Substrates with Silicone Adhesives," SAE Technical Paper 2003-01-2919, 2003, Download Citation
Bill Riegler, Rob Thomaier, Henry Sarria, Kyle Rhodes