Browse Publications Technical Papers 2003-22-0022

A Biofidelity Evaluation of the BioRID II, Hybrid III and RID2 for Use in Rear Impacts 2003-22-0022

In this study, three dummies were evaluated on the component level and as a whole. Their responses were compared with available volunteer and embalmed Post Mortem Human Subject (PMHS) data obtained under similar test conditions to evaluate their biofidelity The volunteer and PMHS data, used as comparators in this study, were used previously to establish some of the biofidelity requirements of the Hybrid III.
The BioRID II, the Hybrid III, and the RID2 were all subjected to rear impact HYGE sled tests with ΔVs of 17 and 28 km/hr to determine their biofidelity in these conditions. A static pull test, where a load was manually applied to the head of each dummy, was used to evaluate the static strength of their necks in flexion and extension. Finally, pendulum tests were conducted with the Hybrid III and RID2 to evaluate the dynamic characteristics of their necks in flexion and extension.
The sled test results indicate that out of the three dummies, the overall flexibility of the Hybrid III is comparable to that of the volunteer anticipating the impact. The overall flexibilities of the BioRID II and the RID2 are greater than those of all the comparators used in this study (the tensed volunteer and the two embalmed PMHSs). The responses of the Hybrid III are closer to those of the tensed volunteer than those of the PMHSs. The responses of the BioRID II and the RID2 are closer to those of the PMHSs than to the tensed volunteer.


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