Browse Publications Technical Papers 2003-28-0005

Trends in Automotive Electronics in Two and Three Wheeled Vehicles 2003-28-0005

The automobile industry has been relatively conservative in adoption of electronics compared to other industries. However, advances in semi-conductor and sensor technologies coupled with progress in software and mechatronics have led to greater use of electronics in cars. The two and three-wheeler industries are price sensitive and tend to lag behind cars in adoption of electronics.
However, there has been a movement forward, starting from introduction of electronic CDI to development of battery electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles.
There is considerable scope for improvements in performance and safety of vehicles, especially in powertrains, transmission, body systems and chassis systems of two and three-wheelers. The key to success is the development of low-cost solutions, which are compatible with the price of the vehicles. As volumes are large and offer economies of scale, electronics has a bright future in the smaller vehicles in the long run.


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