Neural Network Based Data Fusion for Vehicle Positioning in Land Navigation System 2004-01-0752
Land navigation systems need a precise and continuous position in order to function properly. The sensors commonly found in those systems are differential odometer, global positioning system and 2 or 3 axis inertial measurement unit respectively. Two or more of these complementary positioning methods must be integrated together to achieve the required performance at low cost. The integration, which implies the fusion of noisy data provided by each sensor, must be performed in some optimal manner. Most positioning system designers choose the Kalman filter as the data fusion method. An interesting alternative to the Kalman filter is the artificial neural network (ANN). This paper describes the research conducted to evaluate the potential of an ANN as a centralized fusion method and as nonlinear filters for land vehicle positioning.
Citation: St-Pierre, M. and Gingras, D., "Neural Network Based Data Fusion for Vehicle Positioning in Land Navigation System," SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-0752, 2004, Download Citation
Mathieu St-Pierre, Denis Gingras
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Université de Sherbrooke
Pages: 8
SAE 2004 World Congress & Exhibition
Also in:
Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (Ivi) Technology - Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems-SP-1854
Related Topics:
Global positioning systems (GPS)
Neural networks
Sensors and actuators
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