Aggressivity-Reducing Structure for Large Vehicles in Frontal Car-to-Car Crash 2004-01-1163
This paper clarifies aggressivity reduction approach for MPV, Multi-Purpose Vehicles, derived from large passenger vehicles toward small passenger vehicles. The effects of aggressivity-reducing approach were measured through full-frontal rigid barrier crash simulations with TRL aluminum honeycomb by Finite Element Method. The front-end structures of large vehicles studied in this paper based on this aggressivity reduction approach show good front-end homogeneity and low average height of force. The structures were also found to effectively reduce aggressivity toward small vehicles by car-to-car simulation. However, there are some cases where the effect was influenced by overlap ratios. From this result, overlap ratio is considered to be one of the important factors to improve compatibility performance.
Citation: Fujii, S., Sunakawa, T., Abe, A., Fukushima, M. et al., "Aggressivity-Reducing Structure for Large Vehicles in Frontal Car-to-Car Crash," SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-1163, 2004, Download Citation
Also in:
Vehicle Compatibility in Automotive Crashes-PT-102, Vehicle Aggressivity and Compatibility, Structural Crashworthiness, and Pedestrian Safety-SP-1878, SAE 2004 Transactions Journal of Passenger Cars: Mechanical Systems-V113-6
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Frontal collisions
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