Design of an Active Cooling System for Fluid Sample Cells on Board the ISS Fluid Science Lab: FASES 2004-01-2389
The EC (Experiment Container) FASES (Fundamental and Applied Studies on Emulsion Stability) is an ESA scientific payload dedicated to the investigations of emulsion stability.
FASES will fly in the FSL (Fluid Science Laboratory) rack in the ISS Columbus module.
The challenging requirements are the minimum temperature (−50°C) to be reached and the cooling rate to be achieved (2°C/min) for three different types of samples with an accuracy of 0.1°C.
The identified solutions are two active temperature control devices based on thermo-electric coolers (TEC):
a Thermostatic Chamber (THC) that manages two type of samples (ITEM-S and ITEM-F)
a mini-calorimeter (CAL) that handles the third one (EMPI).
Considering the operative ranges, a multi-cascade TEC has been selected to fulfill the requirements. The performance of a multi-cascade TEC made up of separate single stages is also investigated.
For both the active temperature control devices (THC and CAL), a thermal mathematical model has been developed to size a multi-cascade TEC. The TEC Proportional-Integer (PI) controller have been simulated as well. The analysis has demonstrated the feasibility of this concept in the FASES environment.
Furthermore a test campaign, on development models of the THC and of the CAL, has been carried on, to verify the design. Test results and measured performances are also presented in this paper.
Citation: Vettore, C. and Giacomazzo, M., "Design of an Active Cooling System for Fluid Sample Cells on Board the ISS Fluid Science Lab: FASES," SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-2389, 2004, Download Citation
Christian Vettore, Matteo Giacomazzo
Mechanical and Thermal Engineering Department-Carlo Gavazzi Space
Pages: 12
International Conference On Environmental Systems
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Mathematical models
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