Design of a Standardized Roll-On, Roll-Off Sensor Pallet System for a C-130 Aircraft 2004-01-3092
The development of a standardized roll-on, roll-off (RoRo) sensor pallet system for a C-130 aircraft was conceived by the National Guard and the Counter Narco-Terrorism Technology Development Office to assist in counterdrug reconnaissance activities within the United States and surveillance and reconnaissance missions worldwide. West Virginia University was contracted to perform the design and development of this system because of their innovative design ideas. Before development, the design parameters were established by these two DoD agencies, their mission requirements and by the limitations of the C-130 aircraft. These limitations include using Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) and Government off the Shelf (GOTS) items when developing the system that must be universal on all C-130 aircrafts variants B thru H. Further design criteria are by the limitations of the C-130 aircraft and its existing mission requirements. The following work describes the design process concentrating on engineering analysis and the selection process used to design and develop a prototype system. The assembled configuration is presented pictorially in a C-130 application.
Citation: Wowczuk, Z., Means, K., Mucino, V., Thompson, G. et al., "Design of a Standardized Roll-On, Roll-Off Sensor Pallet System for a C-130 Aircraft," SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-3092, 2004, Download Citation
Zenovy S. Wowczuk, Kenneth H. Means, Victor H. Mucino, Gregory J. Thompson, James Smith, Jeffery R.X Auld, James E. Smith, Adam Naternicola, Lawrence Anthony Feragotti, Bruce J. Corso
Center for Industrial Research Applications (CIRA), West Virginia University
Pages: 10
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