MIL-STD-3014 - Mission Data Exchange for the Netted Future 2004-01-3113
This paper describes the nature and benefits of a newly released military standard that was developed in cooperation with the Aircraft Store Integration Subcommittee (AS-1B) of SAE's Avionics Systems Division. MIL-STD-3014, “Department of Defense Interface Standard for Mission Data Exchange Format” or “MiDEF,” is an open-systems standard for binary data files that transport mission-specific programming data for precision munitions, uninhabited combat vehicles, and similar systems. For system developers and mission capability architects, MiDEF's benefits are its independence from communications protocols, flexibility and adaptability, evolution-oriented design, compact file size, and ease of use. MiDEF is designed to support current military evolution toward network-centric warfare, time-sensitive targeting, and precision munitions.