Use of CFD Simulation to Predict Fan Power and Airflow Pattern Inside the Climatic Chamber 2004-01-3254
For A/C and cooling systems development is usual send vehicles to US or Europe for wind tunnel tests, witch is expensive and has a long lead-time. Here in Brazil Delphi has at the Piracicaba Technical Center a chamber equipped with temperature control and chassis dynamometer. There is a up-grade project for it that consist in add ducts with fans inside the chamber that will get air from the chamber, already in the right temperature, accelerate and homogenate the air flow and blow it out direct to the front end of the vehicle. For development purposes may be possible eliminate totally the necessity of sending vehicle abroad.
It was then decided to use CFD simulation to predict firstly the required fan power necessary to supply winds until 120 km/h at the front end of the vehicle and secondly predict the airflow pattern inside the chamber, considering chamber inlet air, chamber outlet air, exhaust outlet, duct outlet and flow pattern around the vehicle.
To validate this simulation it was compared with Luxembourg Technical Center wind tunnel validation that consist in measure the Cp in thirteen points around the vehicle in eighteen wind tunnels in Europe and measure the same points at the CFD.
Citation: Astorri, F. and Sacamoto, F., "Use of CFD Simulation to Predict Fan Power and Airflow Pattern Inside the Climatic Chamber," SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-3254, 2004, Download Citation
Felipe José Astorri, Flavio Sawaya Sacamoto
Delphi Automotive Systems
Pages: 7
2004 SAE Brasil Congress and Exhibit
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Computational fluid dynamics
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