Digitally Controlled Driveline in a Digital Car New Features, Interactions, Mechatronics, and Software 2004-21-0061
This contribution deals with the fundamental trends in car electronics, driveline, and chassis technology. Electronically controlled active systems replace most of purely mechanic systems. In driveline systems, additional hybrid systems will find a place on the market. In Europe, the largest advantage gained will be the extension of functionalities in the fields of dynamics and car behavior. The advantages and the added value generated by functional driveline networking for the manufacturer and vehicle owner are explained by means of examples. A look into the future allows the depiction of comprehensive system integration with reference to driveline and chassis, e.g. refer ti information provided. Making this new networked based functionalities possible, requires a lot of new competencies e.g. in mechatronics, software, real-time control, model - based and software development processes, tools, test methods, and equipment. A shifting of tasks and responsibilities between vehicle manufacturers and suppliers will take place also helping to solve the complexity of car development.
An outlook on the prerequisites, consequences, and opportunities linked to that process is provided in the documentation.
Wolfgang Runge
ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Pages: 10
Convergence International Congress & Exposition On Transportation Electronics
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Vehicle drive systems
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