Stress Intensity Factors for Kinked Cracks Near Spot Welds in Lap-Shear Specimens 2005-01-0900
In this paper, the local stress intensity factor solutions for kinked cracks near spot welds in lap-shear specimens are investigated by finite element analyses. Based on the experimental observations of kinked crack growth mechanisms in lap-shear specimens under cyclic loading conditions, three-dimensional finite element models are established to investigate the local stress intensity factor solutions for kinked cracks emanating from the main crack. The three-dimensional finite element computational results show that the critical local mode I stress intensity factor solution increases and then decreases as the kink depth increases. When the kink depth approaches to 0, the critical local mode I stress intensity factor solution appears to approach to that for vanishing kink depth based on the global stress intensity factor solutions and the analytical kinked crack solutions for vanishing kink depth. Finally, the implications of the local stress intensity factor solutions for kinked cracks on fatigue life prediction are discussed.
Citation: Wang, D. and Pan, J., "Stress Intensity Factors for Kinked Cracks Near Spot Welds in Lap-Shear Specimens," SAE Technical Paper 2005-01-0900, 2005, Download Citation
D.-A. Wang, J. Pan
Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Da-Yeh University, Mechanical Engineering, The University of Michigan
Pages: 9
SAE 2005 World Congress & Exhibition
Also in:
Welding-SP-1959, SAE 2005 Transactions Journal of Materials and Manufacturing-V114-5
Related Topics:
Finite element analysis
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