Browse Publications Technical Papers 2006-01-0822

4WD- AWD Market Trends in Vehicles and Technology Differences and Similarities, from 1997 to 2004 primarily in the US Market, and also some Global Comparisons 2006-01-0822

This paper will show the growth of the Global 4x4 market ( Figure 1), and define terms for 4x4, 4WD and AWD. This will allow a way to organize the data and show the growth trends of the AWD segment. This growth can be seen in Figure 2. From this point of view, the vehicle, and technology differences will be shown, both with physical pictures, and schematic architecture diagrams. The focus will be the US 4WD and AWD market from 1997 to 2004, when a significant change occurred from 4WD to AWD architectures.
Figure 1.
Figure 1
This paper will document the changes that have occurred to bring about the distinct shift towards AWD car based vehicles from truck based 4WD vehicles. It will be clear why the terms were defined as they were when the architectural differences are shown schematically. Figures 25, 26, 27 and 28. Part of the paper will define the 4x4 terms and show the basics of traction, and document how the latest technology of ABS, traction and stability control are being used to improve traction and directional stability and thus safety, for both 4WD and AWD. This paper and the methods used will define and show the differences and similarities, and limitations between 4WD and AWD. The main technologies are the same and but the Architectures are different. The comparisons will show the trade offs of the AWD and 4WD, and help understand and why the newer AWD has entered the established 4WD market. Finally the new Cross Utility or CUV segment will be studied to see the initial vehicles that were labeled CUV in 2000,and the latest vehicles in this CUV market 2004.
The schematic architecture diagrams (Figures 25, 26, 27, and 28) will enable a method to understanding the differences in 4WD and AWD architecture in the market.
This paper satisfies the need for a document to show the growth of 4x4 markets and the emergence of the AWD Segment. with a simple method that defines, identifies, and symbolizes the 4x4 technology relationships for the 4WD and the AWD market.
Figure 2.
Figure 2


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