Characteristics of Aldehydes and VOCs Emission from Off-road Engines 2006-32-0023
In this study, measurement methods of aldehydes and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from off-road engine have been investigated. Also, their emission characteristics have been evaluated. By using high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC), aldehydes could be measured with small variation. Major aldehydes from off-road engine are formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. Total aldehydes emission is not necessarily low compared to THC emission. The emission characteristics of aldehydes are similar to that of CO, THC and PM. For VOCs sampling, sampling tube with absorbent was better than sampling bag because some kinds of VOCs tend to become absorbed on the sampling bag. Except for 1,3-butadiene, VOCs could be measured with small variation by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). Benzene, toluene and xylene were major species found in VOCs. The emission characteristics of VOCs were also similar to ones of CO, THC and PM.
Citation: Shiotani, H., Goto, S., Kinoshita, K., and Nikolic, D., "Characteristics of Aldehydes and VOCs Emission from Off-road Engines," SAE Technical Paper 2006-32-0023, 2006, Download Citation