Noise Refinement Solutions for Vehicle HVAC Systems 2007-01-2184
Noise and vibration have important influence on customer's perception of vehicle quality. Research and development have been conducted to investigate the vehicle Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) noise generation and transmission mechanism. Noise and vibration comparison tests have been completed for the proposed refinement solutions. Testing results are discussed paying special attentions to the air borne noise reduction.
One of interior noise major contributors is the HVAC system, as air handling unit of the HVAC system is located behind the vehicle instrument panel within the cabin. Modifications made to internal structural geometry of the system have been conducted to provide insight into the effect of each structural feature on the overall Sound Pressure Level (SPL) and frequency spectrum components. Acoustic felts have been applied onto some selected locations of the system, test data shows that both the overall noise level and the noise spectrum peaks at specific frequencies have been reduced.