Impact of Driving Cycles on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Economy for SI Car Real World Driving 2008-01-1749
The transport sector is one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. This study investigated three greenhouse gases emitted from road transport: CO2, N2O and CH4 emissions as a function of engine warm up and driving cycles. Five different urban driving cycles were developed and used including free flow driving and congested driving. An in-vehicle FTIR (Fourier Transform Inferred) emission measurement system was installed on a EURO2 emission compliant SI (Spark Ignition) car for emissions measurement at a rate of 0.5 HZ under real world urban driving conditions. This emission measurement system was calibrated on a standard CVS (Constant Volume Sampling) measurement system and showed excellent agreement on CO2 measurement with CVS results. The N2O and CH4 measurement was calibrated using calibration gas in lab. A MAX710 real time in-vehicle fuel consumption measurement system was installed in the test vehicle and real time fuel consumption was then obtained. The temperatures across the TWC (Three Way Catalyst) and engine out exhaust gas lambda were measured. The GHG (greenhouse gas) mass emissions and consequent GWP (Global Warming Potential) for different urban diving conditions were analyzed and presented. The results provided a better understanding of traffic related greenhouse gas emission profile in urban area and will contribute to the control of climate change.
Citation: Li, H., Andrews, G., Savvidis, D., Daham, B. et al., "Impact of Driving Cycles on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Economy for SI Car Real World Driving," SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 1(1):1320-1333, 2009, Download Citation
Hu Li, Gordon E Andrews, Dimitrios Savvidis, Basil Daham, Karl Ropkins, Margaret Bell, James Tate
Energy and Resources Research Institute, The University of Leeds
Pages: 14
2008 SAE International Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Congress
Also in:
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants-V117-4EJ, SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants-V117-4
Related Topics:
Greenhouse gas emissions
Emissions measurement
Three-way catalysts
Fuel consumption
Weather and climate
Fuel economy
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