Simultaneous Measurements of the Components of VOCs and PAHs in Diesel Exhaust Gas using a Laser Ionization Method 2009-01-1842
A simple real-time measurement system for the components of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in automobile exhaust gas using a laser ionization method was developed. This method was used to detect VOCs and PAHs in the exhaust gas of a diesel truck while idling, at 60 km/h, and in the Japanese driving mode JE05. As a result, various VOCs and PAHs, such as xylene and naphthalene, were simultaneously detected, and real-time changes in their concentration were obtained at 1 s intervals.
Citation: Tanaka, K., Watanabe, K., Yamada, H., Goto, Y. et al., "Simultaneous Measurements of the Components of VOCs and PAHs in Diesel Exhaust Gas using a Laser Ionization Method," SAE Technical Paper 2009-01-1842, 2009, Download Citation