Biodiesel Imposed System Responses in a Medium-Duty Diesel Engine 2010-01-0565
The often-observed differences in nitrogen oxides, or
NOx, emissions between biodiesel and petroleum diesel
fuels in diesel engines remain intense topics of research. In
several instances, biodiesel-fuelled engines have higher
NOx emissions than petroleum-fuelled engines; a
situation often referred to as the "biodiesel NOx
penalty." The literature is rich with investigations that
reveal many fundamental mechanisms which contribute to (in varying
and often inverse ways) the manifestation of differences in
NOx emissions; these mechanisms include, for example,
differences in ignition delay, changes to in-cylinder radiation
heat transfer, and unequal heating values between the fuels.
In addition to fundamental mechanisms, however, are the effects
of "system-response" issues. With the application of
biodiesel on an advanced technology diesel engine, the alteration
to injection pulsewidth to match engine torque can make the engine
controller change other control parameters of the engine,
including: injection timing, rail pressure, exhaust gas
recirculation (EGR) level, and variable geometry turbocharger (VGT)
vane position. While it is clear the change in a control parameter
(e.g., EGR) can have dramatic effect on NOx emissions,
the analysis becomes complicated when considering the other system
responses that could correspondingly occur (e.g., increased
pressure difference between exhaust and intake manifold for flowing
EGR). Thus, it becomes necessary to capture an understanding of the
behavior and implications of such system responses.
The objectives of this research study are to characterize NO and
smoke concentrations in biodiesel compared to reference (i.e.,
petroleum) diesel, and to characterize the contributions of
controlled system responses to the NO and smoke concentrations.
These objectives are met by experimentally comparing 100% biodiesel
(palm-olein) with 100% petroleum diesel and evaluating the
engine's control parameters (e.g., EGR valve position, VGT
position, turbocharger speed, and fuel rail pressure) and several
measured parameters (e.g., NO and smoke concentrations, EGR level,
exhaust and intake manifold pressures, and exhaust manifold
This study identifies that controlled and passive changes to EGR
can have similar effects on NO concentrations as does the often
observed change to injection timing. For example, at conditions
where biodiesel uses less EGR than petroleum diesel, NO
concentrations increase by 15%. Correspondingly, the relative
change in NO concentrations where EGR levels are consistent between
the two fuels is insignificant. Consistent with observations
reported in literature, biodiesel smoke concentrations are
consistently lower; an average reduction of 78%.
Citation: Knight, B., Bittle, J., and Jacobs, T., "Biodiesel Imposed System Responses in a Medium-Duty Diesel Engine," SAE Technical Paper 2010-01-0565, 2010, Download Citation
Bryan M. Knight, Joshua A. Bittle, Timothy J. Jacobs
Texas A&M Univ.
Pages: 13
SAE 2010 World Congress & Exhibition
Also in:
Engine Control and Calibration, 2010-SP-2285
Related Topics:
Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)
Diesel fuels
Diesel / compression ignition engines
Exhaust manifolds
Nitrogen oxides
Heat transfer
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