Browse Publications Technical Papers 2010-01-0602

Characterization of Methanol and Ethanol Sprays from Different DI Injectors by Using Mie-scattering and Laser Induced Fluorescence at Potential Engine Cold-start Conditions 2010-01-0602

A laser sheet imaging system with Mie-scattering and Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) was used to investigate the spray characteristics of gasoline, methanol and ethanol fuels. A range of conditions found in today's gasoline engines were investigated including that observed during engine cold-start. Both a swirl injector and a multi-hole fuel injector were examined for each of the three fuels.
A combination of the second harmonic (532 nm) and the fourth harmonic (266 nm) was generated simultaneously using a Nd:YAG laser system to illuminate the spray. The Mie-scattering technique was used to characterize the liquid phase of the spray while the LIF technique was used to detect a combination of liquid and vapor phases. While gasoline naturally fluoresced, the dopant TEA was added to the methanol and ethanol fuels as a fuel tracer. The Mie-scattering and LIF signals were captured simultaneously using a CCD camera along with an image doubler. By comparing the Mie-scattering and LIF images for each fuel and ambient condition, the spray structure was qualitatively characterized for the swirl and the multi-hole fuel injectors.


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