Side Impact Testing of the Near-Side, Rear Seat Occupant Using a Deceleration Sled 2014-01-0547
A near-side, rear seat side impact component test, was conducted and validated utilizing a SIDIIs anthropomorphic test device (ATD). The test fixture consisted of the rear seat structure, side door, interior trim, and side airbag curtain module. Test parameters were determined from full scale tests including impact speed, angle of impact, and depth of door intrusion. A comparative assessment was conducted between the full scale test and the deceleration sled test including ATD contact with the vehicle interior, contact duration, sequential timing of ATD contact, and dummy injury measures. Validation was achieved so that the deceleration sled test procedure could be utilized for further evaluations.
Citation: Janca, S., Shanks, K., Brelin-Fornari, J., Tangirala, R. et al., "Side Impact Testing of the Near-Side, Rear Seat Occupant Using a Deceleration Sled," SAE Technical Paper 2014-01-0547, 2014, Download Citation
Sheryl Janca, Kurt Shanks, Janet Brelin-Fornari, Ravi Tangirala, Massoud Tavakoli
Kettering Univ., Hyundai America Technical Center
Pages: 6
SAE 2014 World Congress & Exhibition
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Anthropometric test devices
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