Browse Publications Technical Papers 2020-01-1360

Efficient Method for Active Sound Design Using an NVH Simulator 2020-01-1360

Active Sound Design (ASD) allows the Personalized Engine Sound System to be implemented for different types of vehicles and in different geographical regions. While this process is possible, it requires a lot of on-road tuning and therefore is very time consuming. This study presents an efficient way of tuning ASD sounds based on binaural synthesis in a lab environment instead of on-road tuning. The on-road vehicle operating sounds are reproduced by a desktop NVH simulator while the binaural ASD sounds are synthesized by convolving measured Binaural Vehicle Impulse Responses with the output of ASD multi-channel amplifier in real time. A set of binaural recordings on road are compared with the reproduced sound in the lab environment. The comparison results showed the validity of the proposed method for ASD. The main advantage of this approach is the possibility of back-to-back comparison across different ASD tunings. Furthermore, the unwanted variation of generated ASD sounds dependent on driving behavior on road can be minimized, and this reduces time for ASD tuning. The designed system allows supporting various ASD multi-channel amplifiers by the unified CAN interface tool.


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