Methods of Evaluating the Efficiency and Vibration Stability of Vehicles with Internal Combustion Engine 2021-01-1025
The internal combustion engine is a source of disturbing oscillations, which affects the energy losses in the transmissions of vehicles. In the paper, using the previously obtained analytical expression for the cyclic elastic coefficient of efficiency of the transmission, the conditions for the appearance of its vibration instability are determined. An interrelation between the number of ICE cylinders and the elastic and inertial parameters of the transmission taking into account vibration stability has been obtained.As an example, the solution of the problem of replacing a 3-cylinder ICE with a 4-cylinder and a 6-cylinder by an 8-cylinder engine in the design of machine assemblies is considered.
Citation: Podrigalo, M., Kholodov, M., Baitsur, M., Podrigalo, N. et al., "Methods of Evaluating the Efficiency and Vibration Stability of Vehicles with Internal Combustion Engine," SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-1025, 2021, Download Citation