Browse Publications Technical Papers 2021-01-5036

Nonlinear Hydraulic Antilock Braking System and Fuzzy Control with Variable Slip Frequency Control to Improve Stopping Distance in Heterogeneous Road 2021-01-5036

A lot of the antilock braking system (ABS) models were studied and proposed by the researcher, and were often in the quarter-car model half car model and full car model. The models could be ABS with hydraulics, pneumatic, or eddy current electro magnetic energy transmission for braking processes. Many types of ABS controller method were also studied and developed to achieve the best control response, such as stopping time and distance even steering ability effects of nonlinear braking dynamics and the heterogeneous of road surface-wheel interaction. There are non-intelligent such as Proportional integral derivative (PID), Observer, sliding mode, LQR and artificial intelligence controls such as fuzzy, and neural network (NN) and even a hybrid of both, controllers are commonly applied to control the developed ABS design. This study proposes an improved hydraulic ABS design and a fuzzy controller to control the slip percentage and slip frequency in a heterogeneous road surface, which is a new concept of a road surface. For the slip percentage control reference, the reference are set up in varying values approaching the optimal stopping time and distance. Results of the simulation prove that a slip frequency of 10 Hz and an estimated value of 2.1 up to 2.35 of the highest wheel-road traction within the slip zone have a maximum braking force to produce a superior stopping distance and stopping time control compared to that with PID control, which is the shortest stopping distance and stopping time compared with other setting values.


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