Browse Publications Technical Papers 2021-36-0012

Automated validation tool for In-Vehicle mobile app-integration feature 2021-36-0012

This paper presents the development of an automated test validation tool for AppLink in an in-vehicle infotainment system making use of Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL). AppLink is a feature that allows the driver with a connected smartphone to interact with the phone apps through the car’s infotainment system. Since the software of the compatible apps on both infotainment and AppLink can be updated, it’s mandatory that an expert engineer tests every software version released to ensure that is working properly and the user doesn’t have to deal with bugs in the vehicle, reducing the possibility of driver’s distraction. As a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), the validation tool development focuses on automating the smoke test set, since it covers the main functionalities of the system. To do so, the test scenarios are first programmed based on pre-conditions and test procedures specifications. Then, the test smartphone is paired via bluetooth to the vehicle infotainment and the test app is launched to simulate the AppLink behavior on the screen. Automation tools, such as Squish and Appium, are used to completely automate the test procedure. Squish simulates the user’s touch actions in the car infotainment screen while Appium automates the phone’s test app commands. Finally, HiL tests are executed by gathering data from the phone automation and using it as inputs to trigger specific touch interactions on the infotainment system. Automated screenshots are also taken from the infotainment screen and treated using machine vision for test scenarios that requires visual validation. This automated solution reduces working hours spent on manual testing and allows the execution of several test cycles fully automated in sequence to acquire a significant amount of data for being able to evaluate the system functionality.


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